4/1/20 AEW Dynamite Recap

The show opens with Cody and Tony Schiavone on commentary from an undisclosed location, with various wrestlers watching from behind the barricade. They reveal the other side of the AEW TNT Championship Bracket, and the matches for it: Kip Sabian vs. Dustin Rhodes and Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana. They also run down the card for the show.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Kenny Omega vs. Trent (w/Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy)
They shake hands and then lock up. Omega backs Trent into the ropes, but Trent reverses and pats Omega on the chest. They lock up again and Trent takes OMega down with a headlock take down. Omega comes back with one of his own and keeps the headlock applied on the mat. Trent sends Omega off the ropes, but Omega takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Omega runs the ropes, but Trent takes him down and kicks him in the back. They exchange forearm shots and Omega kicks Trent in the back this time. Omega stomps on Trent and slams him into the corner. Omega chokes Trent with his boot and slams him in the opposite corner. Omega stomps on Trent and delivers an elbow shot. Omega chops Trent in the corner and charges, but Trent counters with a back elbow. Trent takes Omega down with a double stomp and Omega rolls out of the ring. Trent takes Omega out with a springboard moonsault and then Cassidy and Taylor hug him. Omega comes back and takes out off of the Best Friends with a dive.
Omega tosses Trent back into the ring and delivers a leaping leg lariat. Omega goes for the cover, but Trent kicks out. Omega delivers a trio of back-breakers and goes for the cover, but Trent kicks out again. Omega slams Trent in the corner twice and clubs him across the back. Omega takes Trent down with a back drop and slams him into the corner again. Trent fights back and works over Omega’s injured hand and takes him to the corner. Trent delivers a few knee strikes and drops a knee onto Omega’s hand. Trent stands on Omega’s hand and drops another knee. Trent slams Omega’s hand into the apron and stomps on it a few more times. Trent goes for a knee drop, but Omega moves and Trent hits the apron. Omega suplexes Trent on the floor and slams him into the barricade. Trent comes back with a back elbow, but Omega slams him into a post on the outside. Omega tosses Trent back into the ring and delivers a neck-breaker over his knee. Omega goes for the cover, but Trent kicks out.
Trent comes back with a tornado DDT and delivers an elbow strike in the corner. Trent hangs Omega in the ropes and chops him in the back. He takes Omega down with a snap suplex as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Trent and Omega are exchanging shots in the ring. Trent drops Omega with a snap suplex and runs the ropes, but Omega comes back with a knee strike. Trent counters Omega and delivers a pile driver. Trent goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Trent takes Omega to the corner and connects with a back elbow. Trent goes for a tornado DDT, but Omega blocks it and delivers the snap dragon suplex. Omega goes for the snap dragon again, but Trent backs him into the ropes. Trent takes Omega down with a lariat, but Omega comes back with a power bomb. Omega delivers the V Trigger and they go to the apron. They change shots and go up top. Trent suplexes Omega down to the mat and delivers his own knee strike. Trent goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Omega fights back and delivers a knee strike and then delivers the One Winged Angel and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Kenny Omega
-After the match, Omega helps Trent to his feet and they shake hands.

A recap of Matt Hardy’s arrival in AEW from the past couple of weeks is shown.

A video package for Hikaru Shida is shown.
Match #2 – Singles Match: Hikaru Shida vs. Anna Jayy
Shida backs Jayy into the ropes, but Jayy counters and smacks Shida in the face with her hair. They lock up and Shida applies a headlock. Jayy sends her off the ropes, but Shida takes her down with a shoulder tackle. Shida goes for a dropkick, but Jayy dodges and takes Shida down with a kick to the face. Jayy goes for a suplex, but Shida counters. Jayy kicks Shida in the midsection and comes off the ropes, but Shida counters with a back-breaker. Shida delivers a knee to the face and tries to get in Dr. Britt Baker’s face at ringside, but Baker tells her to back up. Shida gets back into the ring and Jayy delivers a few shots. Shida delivers a knee strike, but Jayy smacks Shida in the face. Shida comes back with a forearm shot, but Jayy comes back and kicks her in the head. Jayy kicks Shida in the hamstring and takes her down with a neck-breaker. Jayy goes for a kick, but Shida counters and goes for an enzuigiri. Jayy ducks and rolls Shida up for a two count. Jayy gets a few more roll ups, but Shida kicks out.
Shida comes back and takes Jayy down with a suplex and then delivers a knee strike to the head. Shida slams Jayy to the mat and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Hikaru Shida

Footage of Jon Moxley’s ongoing issues with The Inner Circle airs, including Jake Hager attacking him on AEW Dark last night. A video package for Hager and Moxley airs. Hager says Moxley is a fool if he thinks he can hang with him. Moxley says he is pissed off and there are people all over the world that want the title. He says he has a target on his back and he is pissed because people are trying to take what is his and what belongs to the AEW fans. Chris Jericho appears and says The Inner Circle doesn’t care about the fans and does what they do only for them. Moxley says he will guard the title with his life and says they fired the first shot with the power bomb off the stage. Hager says he is here to inflict violence on Moxley, and he is going to do just that. Moxley says he knows Hager inside and out and he understands what Hager can do. Hager says Moxley is below him and Moxley says he likes to play dangerous games. Sammy Guevara appears and says it’s not a surprise that Hager wants to be the AEW Champion. Jericho says he has a rematch against Moxley, but he isn’t going to use it yet and says it will be great if Hager becomes the champion. Hager says he will give Moxley everything he has and Moxley says there is some weakness somewhere and he will slay Hager. The match is made official. In two weeks, it will be an Empty Arena No Holds Barred Match for the title.

Colt Cabana replaces Cody on commentary.
Jake Roberts cuts another promo about how he and Archer only one want shot against Cody.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Marko Stunt vs. Lance Acher
Archer drops a doctor at ringside and Stunt with a clothesline before the bell rings. Archer slams Stunt to the mat and chops him in the corner. Archer kicks Stunt in the face and tells Stunt to hit him back. Stunt delivers a few shots, but Archer isn’t fazed and knocks Stunt to the mat. Archer steps on Stunt’s face and suplexes him across the ring. Archer puts his knee on Stunt’s head and slams him to the mat. Stunt dodges a few clotheslines and connects with a dive on Archer. Archer gets back into the ring, but Stunt delivers an enzuigiri. Stunt dropkicks Archer in the corner, but Archer comes back and delivers a pounce that sends Stunt to the floor. Archer tosses Stunt back into the ring and delivers a choke slam. Archer goes for the cover, but pulls Stunt up at two. Archer slams Stunt to the mat with the Black Out and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Lance Archer
-After the match, Archer comes back to the ring and throws Stunt into The Gunn Club and Orange Cassidy behind the barricade.

A new Dark Order video airs, with “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee leading the group through a meeting. He says the Dark Order knows how everyone feels during this time, because he used to feel the same way. He says he is now The Exalted One and tells one of his followers to stand by him, but the guy messes up his name a few times. The guy says “We are one,” but Lee throws a glass at the wall and screams it. Another follower yawns, and Lee gets in his face. He says yawns show weakness and they cannot have weakness within their doors. Lee tells him to never yawn in his presence again and sends him out of the room.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: Dark Order (8 and 9) vs. The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall) (w/Brandi Rhodes)
Marshall decks both of the guys and sends one of them to the floor. Rhodes tags in and applies a side headlock and runs the guy over. Rhodes delivers an uppercut and takes him down with an arm drag. Rhodes applies a wrist-lock and tags in Marshall. Marshall and Rhodes double team the guy and Marshall connects with a splash. Marshall goes for the cover, but the guy kicks out. Rhodes tags in and they slam him to the mat. Rhodes goes for the cover, but the other guy breaks it up. Rhodes tosses the guy back to the floor and tags in Marshall. Marshall delivers an uppercut, but the guy on the outside kicks Marshall in the back. So, 8 was in the ring the whole time and then he tags in 9, so now they have their names. 9 delivers a chop and 8 holds Marshall in the corner. 8 tags in and stomps away on Marshall. 9 tags back in and they double team Marshall. He comes back and takes both of them down. He sends 8 to the floor and drops 9 with a suplex. Rhodes tags in and runs over 9 with a few clotheslines.
Rhodes delivers an uppercut and an atomic drop to 9. Rhodes knocks 8 to the floor and drops 9 with a power slam. Rhodes takes 8 out with a dive and Marshall does the same to 9. Rhodes and Marshall slam 8 to the mat and Rhodes gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Natural Nightmares
-After the match, Brodie Lee comes to the stage and stares at Rhodes. He gets into the ring and attacks 8 and 9. He power bombs 9 and stares down 8 beforeleaving the ring.

A video from Chris Jericho airs. He says he is at his estate and that’s because it is a holiday. He says today is April Fool’s Day and the biggest group of fools he knows is The Elite. He runs down the members individually. Vanguard-1 flies over and Jericho tries to recruit the drone into The Inner Circle again. He hangs a shirt on the drone and the drone flies away. Jericho sends his dogs after the drone and says he is going to get Vanguard-1.

Next week, Cody will face Shawn Spears. In two weeks, Colt Cabana faces Lance Archer. Both matches are quarterfinal matches in the AEW TNT Championship Tournament.
An update on Nick Jackson is shown. He trains in a ring with Matt Jackson and says he is trying to get back as soon as he can.

Match #5 – Singles Match: Cody and Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara and Shawn Spears
Allin and Guevara start the match and then Cody and Spears quickly tag in. Cody backs Spears into the corner, but neither man gets the advantage. Spears applies a side headlock, but Cody sends him off the ropes. Spears comes back with a shoulder tackle, but Cody kicks him in the face. Allin tags in and connects with a double ax handle. Spears comes back with a shot and tags in Guevara. Guevara films Allin for his vlog for a second and tags Spears back in. Guevara walks over to Brandi Rhodes and asks for a kiss, but she steals his phone and Allin takes him down on the floor. Allin gets back into the ring and goes after Spears and tags in Cody. Cody delivers a kick to the midsection and then delivers an uppercut to Guevara. Allin and Cody take out Guevara and Spears with dives on the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Spears and Allin are in the ring and Spears applies a few arm wrenches. Spears backs Allin into the corner, but Allin elbows him and Guevara. Allin gets a roll-up, but Cody was in the ring and Guevara breaks it up and sends Allin to the floor. Guevara tags in and slams Allin into the barricade on the floor. Guevara slams Allin into the apron and tosses him back into the ring. Guevara delivers a snap suplex and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Guevara applies a headlock and then double stomps on Allin. Spears tags in and stomps on Allin. Guevara and Spears bet money on how long Spears can hold Allin in a standing suplex. Spears drops Allin after ten seconds and goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. Guevara tags in and holds Allin in the standing suplex for sixteen seconds and then drops him. Guevara goes for the cover, but Allin kicks out. They throw more money down and Spears tags in. Spears tries for twenty seconds, but Allin rolls him up for two. Allin comes back and suplexes Spears to the mat.
Guevara picks up all the money and tags in, but Allin takes him to the mat and tags in Cody. Cody takes Guevara down with a power slam and goes for the cover, but Guevara kicks out. Cody delivers the Cody Cutter and goes for the cover, but Guevara kicks out again. Cody tosss his weight belt to Brandi and then locks in the Sharpshooter on Guevara. Spears breaks it up, but Cody locks Spears in the Figure Four. Guevara breaks it up and goes for a cutter, but Cody catches him and drops him with the Cross Rhodes. Spears grabs Cody an tosses him over the barricade. Allin takes Spears out with a dive as all the heels on the other side of the barricade beat down Cody, and the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Guevara is in control of Cody in the ring. He chokes him over the ropes and slams him in the corner. Spears tags in and punches Cody in the midsection. Spears slams Cody in the corner and delivers shots. Cody gets out and slams Spears into the turnbuckle. They exchange shots and Cody takes Guevara to the floor. Cody takes Spears out with a moonsault and tags in Allin. Allin takes out Guevara and Spears with a double missile dropkick and delivers elbows to both int he corners. He takes out both with a middle rope Coffin Drop and then causes Spears to clothesline Guevara to the floor. Allin takes out Guevara with a dive and goes for one on Spears, but Spears catches him and slams him into the barricade. Spears drapes Guevara over the barricade and Guevara delivers a dropkick to Allin. Cody comes back and takes out Spears and Guevara with a dive. Spears comes back with a C-4 on Cody in the ring and then Guevara and Spears double team Cody on the floor.
Allin climbs a pole on the outside and takes out Guevara and Spears with a Coffin Drop. Allin tosses Spears back into the ring and goes for the Coffin Drop again, but Guevara cuts him off. Cody takes Guevara down with a front suplex and then Spears connects with a frog splash on Cody. Guevara tosses Spears a chair, but Allin takes it away. Guevara snatches it from Allin and Spears rolls up Allin and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Sammy Guevara and Shawn Spears
-After the match, Allin decks Cody and leaves the ring as the show comes to a close.Click Here: football tracksuits