Noam Dar regains Heritage Cup trophy on WWE NXT Heatwave

Noam Dar has regained the NXT Heritage Cup trophy.

On Tuesday’s NXT Heatwave, Dar defeated Nathan Frazer 2 falls to 1 to regain the Heritage Cup trophy. The finish of the match had the two tied 1-1 heading into the sixth round. Frazer went for a phoenix splash, but didn’t connect. Dar then hit Frazer with a shining wizard to win the trophy for a third time.

During the match, Tyler Bate was laid out by Dabba Kato, who chokeslammed Bate. Bate had agreed to corner Frazer during Tuesday’s match for the trophy.

Frazer had won the trophy back in June, pinning Oro Mensah who was substituting for Dar, who claimed injury. After losing the trophy, Dar went into a catatonic state, being moved around in a wheelchair. He regained consciousness when members of the Meta-Four introduced a replica trophy, with Dar accepting it as the real trophy he never lost. He eventually agreed to let go of the championship and recognize Frazer’s trophy in order to get a match against Frazer.

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