Dublin Little League Softball Could Qualify For World Series

DUBLIN, CA — The Dublin Little League 12S softball team has a big weekend ahead: they’re headed to San Bernardino to compete in the Little League West Region Tournament. If they win, they will compete in the Little League World Series in Greenville, North Carolina.

The team, 11 out of 12 of whom attend Wells Middle School, have been playing together for almost a decade. They had an impressive season, and won the state championships. While they’ve made it to the state championships twice, this marked their first win, a team parent told Patch.

Their first game will take place at 9 a.m. on Saturday. If they win, they will play Utah on Sunday at 9 a.m. If they lose, they will play Monday at 9 a.m. All games will be televised on ESPN+.

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The team has launched a GoFundMe to help cover the expenses of traveling.

Last summer, the Bollinger Canyon Little League Intermediate 13U team played in the 50/70 World Series in Livermore, and the Bollinger Canyon 12U team advanced to the West Region Tournament in San Bernardino.

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