Manchester Man Indicted On Manslaughter Charges: Court Roundup

MANCHESTER, NH — A Hillsborough County grand jury indicted the following people recently.

Selina Akerman, 41, of Old Brookline Road in Milford on a felony possession of fentanyl charge in Amherston Nov. 22, 2023.

Fadhil Al-Jibury, 36, of Cartier Street in Manchester on criminal threatening-deadly weapon and felon in possession of a dangerous weapon charges, both felonies. He was accused of threatening a person with a gun and possessing a gun on Nov. 4, 2023, in Manchester. Al-Jibury is a felon due to a drug conviction in 2020.

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Akim Alleyne, 33, of Dubuque Street in Manchester on manslaughter, operating after certification as a habitual offender, and seven second-degree assault charges, all felonies. He was accused of killing another person on Dec. 7, 2023, in Manchester by repeatedly striking, kicking, and-or stomping on the head and torso of the other person. Alleyne was also accused of driving on Nashua Street after being deemed a habitual offender by the NH DMV on the same date.

Jeffrey Anagnos, 49, of Amory Street in Manchester on two sale of controlled drug and possession of controlled drug with intent to distribute charges, methamphetamine and fentanyl, all felonies, on April 5, April 11 and April 18, 2023, in Manchester.

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Stephanie Beard, 36, of Manchester on two felony possession of a controlled drug-subsequent fentanyl charges on Nov. 13 and Nov. 19, 2021, in Manchester.

Eliezer Beato, 20, of Hampstead Street in Methuen, Massachusetts, on two burglary and two theft by unauthorized taking charges, all felonies. He was accused of working with others to burglarize Bonneville & Sons on Hooksett Road in Manchester and steal three vehicles on Nov. 4, 2021.

Jonathan Benedict, 38, of Main Street in Antrim on operation after certification as a habitual offender, reckless conduct, and theft by unauthorized taking charges, all felonies. He was accused of stealing a Mercedes E-Class, driving it on Pine Street in Manchester, in a reckless manner and at a high rate of speed, on Oct. 6, 2023.

Benjamin Benson, 30, of Myrtle Street in Manchester on possession of fentanyl with intent to sell and possession of buprenorphine on May 21, 2023, in Manchester.

Tateanna Boisvert, 21, of Cumberland Street in Manchester on a felony criminal threatening charge. She was accused of threatening another person with a knife during an argument on Nov. 13, 2023, in Manchester.

Thomas Bourque, 41, of Spruce Street in Manchester on possession of fentanyl with intent to sell and possession of cocaine with intent to sell on Nov. 15, 2023, in Bedford.

Amanda Brady, 35, of Elm Street in Manchester on two forgery and two receiving stolen property charges. She was accused of cashing stolen checks for $550 and $566 from the Granite State Credit Union on July 16, 2023, in Manchester.

Maximus Brown, 22, of Whittington Street in Manchester on a felony reckless conduct-domestic violence charge. He was accused of shooting an intimate partner on Nov. 25, 2023, in Manchester.

Amaya Butler, 21, of Keegan Way in Manchester on riot and second-degree assault charges. She, JM, and Quadasia McKnight beat another person on Oct. 13, 2023, in Manchester, according to the indictment.

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