Don't Want Solicitations? Sign Up For Manchester's No-Knock Registry

MANCHESTER, NJ — If you don’t want to deal with door-to-door salespeople interrupting your peace and quiet, sign up for the Manchester Township No Knock Registry.

That reminder was issued Monday evening by Councilman Joseph Hankins at the Township Council meeting, particularly for residents who are new to the township. It was enacted into the township’s ordinances in 2015.

Residents who sign up are issued a sticker that goes in their window showing they do not want to deal with solicitations, and their addresses are added to the township’s do-not-knock registry.

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It does not prohibit door-to-door solicitation by political organizations, religious groups or charitable/nonprofit organizations as those solicitations are protected by the First Amendment.

That registry is distributed to vendors who are required to obtain permits from Manchester before they approach homes, and vendors are barred from knocking at the doors of homes on the registry, under Manchester’s ordinances.

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The ordinance requires companies or individuals doing the solicitation to provide names and addresses of everyone who will be doing the door-to-door sales, along with the description and license plate numbers of their vehicles.

Solicitations are only permitted between sunrise and sunset, under the ordinance.

Vendors who violate the do-not-knock list face a fine of up to $1,000, 90 days in prison, or 90 days’ community service.

Residents can sign up through the Manchester Township Clerk’s Office. The registry form can be downloaded, filled out and mailed or hand-delivered, and a sticker issued. If you pick up the sticker in person it is free, otherwise it is $1 for the sticker to be mailed. (Make out a check payable to Manchester Township if mailing the no-knock application.)

The township clerk’s office is at 1 Colonial Drive and is open 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. except holidays.

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