ROH TV TAPING RESULTS (9/2): Cesaro, Athena, Nese, Willow Nightingale, Best Friends, Kiera Hogan, Silas Young, Angelico & Serpentico, Skye Blue, more


SEPT. 2, 2023 (AIRDATE 9/7)

(1) Gringo Loco & Blake Christian vs. Katsuyori Shibata & Eddie Kingston

Shibata and Christian stated off on the mat. Shibata chopped the heck out of Blake. Loco and Kingston up next, and a chop battle ensued. Gringo a couple sentons on Eddie. Gringo kinda hit, kinda missed a flipping top rope senton. Christian went for a splash off the top but Eddie got the knees up. Ushers telling us in the 200 level we can move down to the 100 level (a decent chunk of the 4,500 ish Collision crowd has left). Blake a Fosbury flop on Eddie. Shibata got Blake in the choke and hit a PK for the win. Soldi match, but some of the top rope/flying stuff was a bit sloppy at times.

WINNERS: Shibata & Kingston at 6:15.

(2) Athena (w/Billie Starkz) vs. Allysin Kay – ROH Women’s Title match

A “fallen goddess” chant at the start. Athena worked Kay over. Athena the heel but was over as a face here doing a version of Sheamus’ 10 bells. Kay got a two count off a crucifix but Athena cut her off. Kay hit a power bomb. Kay with an ankle lock. Kay tried for a superplex but Athena knocked her off, hit a top rope cutter, and for the win. Afterward, Athena egged on Billie to attack Kay. Billie refused and Athena yelled at her and hit a move on Kay. Athena left Billie in the ring.

WINNER: Athena at 9:23 to retain the ROH Title.

(3) Tony Nese (w/Mark Sterling) vs. Silas Young

Sterling heeled on deep dish pizza. Most Chicagoans eat tavern cut thin crust. Nese asked the fans to do group training with him. Young the face by default here. Nese worked over Young’s arm. Young hit a clothesline and Nese took a spin bump. Young snapped Nese in the top rope when Young was on the apron. Nese hit a running knee to win.

WINNER: Nese at 5:23.

(4) Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico w/Luther) vs. Adam Priest & Shad (?)

The SAP was surprisingly over. A double submission on the enhancement guys for the win.

WINNERS: Angelico & Serpentico at 3:32.

NOTE: We are looking for someone to help us cover ROH’s weekly TV shows. If you’re interested in volunteering to write reports each week on ROH’s weekly TV show and help with other ROH-related coverage, email PWTorch editor Wade Keller here:

(5) Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue vs. Renegades

We admit we are not well-versed enough in ROH weekly TV minutiae to know which “sister” is Charlette and which is Robin. Heels got the heat on local favorite Blue. A nice fisherman suplex on Blue, who was clad in her Chicago flag-themed gear. Willow got the hot tag at about 3:45 and hit a pounce. Willow worked over a bit but tagged out. Code blue by Skye for the win. This was decent.

WINNER: Blue & Nightengale ta 5:23.

(6) The Embassy vs. Gravity, Griff Garrison & Metallik – Proving Ground match

The faces will get a six-man title match if they win here. Heels worked over Garrison to start. Cage with a chop you could hear in any part of the arena. Gravity got the tag and a two count small package. Cage a clothesline in return. Metallik in, hits a drop kick off the ropes and a rope walk senton. Toa a pounce on Garrison. All three heels in on Metallik, who took a finisher off the top as he was held upfor the loss.

WINNERS: The Embassy at 4:44, so no title shot for the faces.

(7) Leila Grey vs. Kiera Hogan

Grey worked over Hogan to start, but Kiera quickly took over. There are maybe 1,500 people left at this point, so not a lot of heat. Grey back on offense with an elbow off a rope run. Hogan mounted a comeback with the Toni butt attack in the corner for two. Leila grabbed her fan. Swing and a miss. Hogan hit her finisher which ends with her in a bridging fisherman suplex position for the win. Basic match.

Hogan wins in 5:37.

(8) Willie Mack & Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean vs. Davey Bang & August Matthews & John Steed (?)

Bang & Matthews are a local indie tag team who went by Bang Bros until recently. Someone else may hold that trademark. Dean with some punches that Bang sold nicely. Mack a powerbomb on Bang. Infantry hit their finisher on Bang for the win.

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WINNERS: Mack & The Infantry at 3:03.

(9) Lady Frost vs. Leyla Hirsch

Maria Kanellis watched from the top of the ramp with Cole Karter. The crowd did some scattered LA Knight “yeah!”s during this. Leyla did some mat work befitting her amateur wrestling background. Leyla submitted Frost. Kanellis tried to recruit Leyla, who snubbed the handshake and left the ring.

WINNER: Hirsch at 4:07.

(10) Claudio Castsgnoli vs. Lee Johnson – Proving Ground match

Claudio with European uppercuts in the corner to start. Johnson a super kick for two. Johnson got out of backslide and hit a small package for two. Claudio with the FC elbows and secondary finisher for the win.

WINNER: Claudio at 3:34.

(11) Iron Savages vs. Two local wrestlers

They didn’t announce the other guys. A squash.

WINNERS: Iron Savages at 1:50.

(12) Best Friends & Darius Martin & Action Andretti vs. Workhorsemen & Outrunners

Your ROH main event is an eight-man tag featuring stars from ROH and AEW, says Bobby Cruise.

JD Drake hit a cannonball in the corner. Music inexplicably played in the middle of this match and the crowd laughed. Outrunners tried a double team but Chuck Taylor made the save. Four-way hug from the faces, giving the 1,000 or so people left what they want. Trent hit his crunchie finisher on one of the Outrunners for the win.

WINNERS: Best Friends & Darius & Andretti at 4:48.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: ROH TV TAPING RESULTS (6/17): Krol’s report on post-Collision ROH tapings including Athena vs. Kiera Hogan, Daniel Garcia vs. Romero for Pure Title, Dark Order, Darius & Fox & Andretti