SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… Impact Wrestler of the Week: Deonna Purrazzo In addition to being featured in a lengthy promo segment during last week’s Impact TV show, Deonna’s match against Melina at the NWA Empower show was a highlight of the event. The exciting contest saw Deonna win after […]
SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… Paul Levesque, a.k.a. Triple H, underwent a successful procedure last week at Yale New Haven Hospital following a cardiac event, according to a WWE press release just issued this afternoon. The press statement says the episode was caused by a genetic heart issue and he […]
The semifinals for the women’s Owen Hart Foundation tournament are now set. Ruby Soho defeated Britt Baker on Wednesday’s Dynamite. The finish of the match had Soho grab onto Toni Storm’s hand at ringside, using her for leverage during a roll-up to secure the win. After the match, Skye Blue came out she and Soho […]
“I have an organic approach toward music but I’ve always been interested in electronics,” says Jean-Michel Jarre, whose luxurious electronic pop conquered the world in 1976 with his hit album Oxygène. Even today, Oxygène‘s bubbling tones and saturated textures provide a blissful sonic experience. “I love jazz because of its organic approach to sound, and […]
This week’s MLW Fusion was taped in Philadelphia as part of their Battle Riot tapings earlier this year with Matt Striker & Joe Dombrowski on commentary. Mister Saint Laurent and Microman opened the show by introducing us to Microman’s new theme song which had MSL singing along and orchestrating the crowd to do the same. […]
CHERRY HILL, NJ — South Jersey will soon get a taste of a “luxury dining destination” offering seafood, steak and cocktails. Eddie V’s Prime Seafood plans to open June 15 in the Cherry Hill Mall. Founded in 2000 in Austin, Texas, Eddie V’s has roughly 30 eateries nationwide. The menu includes seafood flown in from […]
Si vous avez vu le sulfureux thriller "Basic Instinct" de Paul Verhoeven, alors vous vous souvenez forcément de la scène culte de l'interrogatoire. Et de ce plan qui a tant fait parler… (Attention : cette news est à réserver à un public averti) ATTENTION : cette news, qui évoque un passage très sulfureux de “Basic […]
“Les doigts d’Elena Milachina sont cassés et elle perd régulièrement connaissance”, affirme Memorial sur Twitter. L’ONG de défense des droits humains a annoncé, mardi 4 juillet, que cette journaliste d’investigation russe était hospitalisée après avoir été passée à tabac en Tchétchénie. Son crâne a été rasé par ses agresseurs et son visage, couvert de teinture. Click […]
Le chef du groupe paramilitaire Wagner, Evgueni Prigojine, serait arrivé en Biélorussie, mardi 27 juin. Le président biélorusse, Alexandre Loukachenko, est intervenu le week-end dernier pour mettre fin à la mutinerie du groupe en Russie. En direct de Moscou, le journaliste Luc Lacroix explique que cette intervention “lui permet d’avoir le beau rôle” et “de montrer que même dans ces moments de crise” il peut être utile à la […]
Celebrating 21 years of affordable Music Hall turntables, the irascible Roy Hall (right) was in fine form on AXPONA’s opening day, offering show specials. Click Here: new zealand warriors rugby store