Month: June 2023

In 2015, the venerable Canadian audio company NAD introduced its soon-to-be-popular D 3020 integrated amplifier ($499), which combined 30Wpc output, streaming capability, and an onboard DAC in a slick, contoured case. NAD’s latest D/A integrated also smartly combines trend with functionality, lifestyle convenience with technological advancement. The C 328 Hybrid Digital amplifier ($549) goes its […]
WWE Raw held up well Monday against the NBA and NHL playoffs with the last 49 minutes of the show going against a monster NBA number, finishing at 1.82 million viewers and an 0.56 in 18-49 and 0.40 in 18-34.  Raw was fourth for the night on cable and beat everything on network TV except […]
I feel compelled to repeat here an eerie occurrence I related a while back on AnalogPlanet. I reviewed, in the February 1999 Analog Corner column, the Cartridge Man’s Digital Stylus Force Gauge, which back then sold for $299. I still have it, but a decade ago, the battery stopped taking a charge. I put it […]
If a new AEW TV show on Saturday nights is happening, it will be on TNT. Andrew Zarian tweeted Monday that while TBS has been rumored as the destination, "I'm being told that TNT will land the new show." The new show in question has been rumored to be called AEW Collision that will air […]
When Stereophile publishes a followup review in the print magazine, we add it as a “child page” to the website reprint of the original coverage. We have recently done so with three significant products: the Magico M2 loudspeaker, the Linear Tube Audio Z10e tubed headphone amplifier/integrated amplifier, and the Okto Research dac8 PRO multichannel D/A […]
Sammy Guevara has advanced in the Four Pillars tournament. Guevara defeated Jungle Boy Jack Perry on Wednesday’s Dynamite via count out in order to advance to next week, where he will meet Darby Allin in the finals to determine MJF’s opponent for Double or Nothing next month. The finish came when MJF used the Dynamite […]
NEW YORK CITY — Orwellian. Unlawful creeping kudzu. Appeasement to “biker bros” and “climate change zealots.” That’s how a new federal civil rights lawsuit describes New York City’s Open Streets program. The suit filed by several New Yorkers with disabilities argues the program violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. It robs tens of thousands of […]
Chaque jour, AlloCiné vous recommande un film à (re)voir à la télé. Ce soir : la quatrième collaboration de Sydney Pollack et Robert Redford. Sorti en 1975, Les Trois jours du Condor est l’un des films phares du Nouvel Hollywood. Ce mouvement cinématographique américain, largement influencé par la modernité européenne (Nouvelle Vague française et néoréalisme […]
"Un non-film, non-filmé par un non-cinéaste et joué par un non-acteur" : ce film décrié et interdit aux moins de 18 ans revient au cinéma. La Maman et la putain revient au cinéma ce mercredi 7 juin. Précédé d’une réputation sulfureuse, ce film de Jean Eustache était déjà ressorti avec succès il y a un […]
Des échauffourées entre police et manifestants pour le climat ont éclaté vendredi 26 mai aux abords de la salle parisienne où doit se tenir l’assemblée générale annuelle de TotalEnergies. Le géant français des hydrocarbures se prépare à vivre une réunion électrique, ciblée par une coalition d’associations qui menace de la bloquer, mais aussi par une […]