Hands down winner of my “Anything but Hotel California” Unusual Music Award, the first of Common Wave Hi-Fi of Los Angeles’ three rooms kept platters spinning and visitors happy.
The brainchild of Wes Katzir, who is one savvy with-it dude, Common Wave Hi-Fi is a dealership / social listening gathering space located in the Los Angeles Arts District. The first of their set-ups I visited immediately converted me to the cause.
DeVore Fidelity O/Baby 90dB sensitive, White Oak finish loudspeakers ($5600/pair) with matching stands ($995/pair),
Audio Hungary’s Qualiton C200 tube preamp with MM phono stage ($5200) and P200 stereo tube amplifier ($5500)the latter outputs 100Wpc in stereo or 200Wpc in mono,
Innuos Zenith Mk3 streaming server with 2TB storage ($5340),
Merason DAC1 ($6000), and
Michell Engineering’s eye-catching fully suspended oil-bearing Gyro SE turntable with TechnoArm 2 ($5498) and Cusis E MC phono cartridge ($999).
AudioQuest Niagara 3000 power condition ($3300) and a mixture of Blizzard, William Tell, Earth Vodka, and Coffee cabling.
Count Basie and His Orchestra’s “How Sweet it Is” was sweet indeed, with brass right on the edge where it should be and excellent timbres
a Katrina Barbieri Ecstatic Computation LP whose music stumped the SoundCloud music search engine
My brain. Take a look at this video:
Next time I have free time in LA, I must visit this store. And wait… there’s more…

Click Here: Maori All Blacks Store