Update on MJF fan incident from AEW Revolution

Tony Khan says MJF did not "act like a champion" when he tossed a beverage on a young fan sitting ringside at AEW Revolution.  

During his Iron Man mach against Bryan Danielson, MJF grabbed a cup from a woman in the front row and splashed its contents on the woman's young son who was sitting next to her. 

The young man and his mother were real fans and not planted by AEW. The beverage was believed to be tequila and when MJF tossed the drink on the child, some got into his eyes. Amanda Huber and others came out and the young fan was taken backstage, given merchandise, and both him and his mother will be attending the show in Sacramento on Wednesday. 

Tony Khan addressed the incident at the post-event media scrum.

Khan said:

We had a conversation before we came up here, we had a serious conversation and I mean that and it's not to be taken lightly. The young man, Titus, was a real pro about it and we'll see Titus again here in AEW. I believe Titus is actually coming to Sacramento but I was just with him and he was a real champ about it. 

The champion didn't act like a champion there but I think Titus was great. 

The situation was also addressed by our own Bryan Alvarez and Dave Meltzer on Monday's edition of Wrestling Observer Radio. 

Alvarez said:

It was not a plant and we heard from multiple sources that it also was not water, which I'm sure Max didn't know. Apparently, it was tequila and so some of the tequila got in the kids eye and the kid was not happy about that. 

What I was told was, in the area, the kid got tequila in his eye and he was not happy so fans started giving the kid their merch, like, 'here's my shirt, you want my poster?'

And then Amanda Huber comes out and she's making the kid feel better and then they bring the kid backstage and they are giving him all this signed merch. Then the mom and kid get tickets to Sacramento. So, this kid ended up having the best day of his life. 

Meltzer then addressed Khan's reaction to the incident.

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Tony never rips on his talent, ever, and he did there. He just said, 'yeah he made a mistake and it was serious' and it could have been. I mean, it was very, very bad judgment. Max had an incredible, incredible match but that was something he should not have done. 

MJF only responded that "the kid looked thirsty" when asked about the incident.